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Buddhist Relics.

Takut amulets from Thailand.

See the Thai Takut amulets avalaible on our online shop.

collection of takut amulets
Various Takut amulets.
(collection Magiedubouddha.com)

The Takut (sometime also called Takoot or Takrud) amulets are prayer or pentacles
drawn on a flat material that is then rolled.
The majority of Takut are made of metals (lead, brass, copper, silver, gold...)
but one can also sometime find takut made of leather, paper or even tree leaf !

wood takut thai amulet
This is an old wooden takut made of Ratan wood.

thai magic pentacle yant
A Yant pentacle carved on a copper foil.

takut amulet of thailand.
Once rolled, it is now a Takut.
Sometime, various magical substances are added inside the takut after it is rolled.

takut amulet belt
Takut amulets are also worned as belts (In Cambodia they are then called a Kata).
Here we can see a fine example by Most Venerable Luang Phor Hong,
composed ofa big Takut and two sacred beads Look Sakot.

Depending on the prayer / pentacle that is written on it, a Takut will have different powers.
So some very similar looking takut can have very different powers.

antique carthago amulets
The idea to make amulets with prayers on a roll of metal is not typically Thai,
here you can see some antique amulets from Carthago made following
the exact same technique.

On this ancient video, one can see Ajarn Chum Khunpa,
showing the invulnerability powers of his takut.  

luang phor lum
Most Venerable Luang Phor Lum, blessing some Takut
that then start to miraculously float in the air !

luang phor taweesak
Most Venerable Luang Phor Taweesak, showing his telekinetic powers on some takut amulets.

ajarn ood
Most Venerable Ajarn Ood, making some Takut amulets.

takut look pern
Sometime, Takut are placed in empty gun cartridge, they are then called Takut Look Pern
and such are considered invulnerability amulets.

ajarn long
Most Venerable Ajarn Long (Luang Phor Charmlong)
is famous for blessing both invulnerabilty and love Takut amulets !

takut amulet of luang phor hann
A Takut Pokhasap by Most Venerable Luang Phor Hann.

thai takut amulet gecko
A very unusual gecko shaped Takut amulet !

giant takut
A giant takut amulet !

luang phor koon
Some rare Masters sometime insert golden Takut under the skin of their disciples.
On this photo, Most Venerable Luang Phor Koon during a takut insertion.

takut magic wand
Some large Takut are also used as "magic wand" during rituals.

giant takut
Myself, wearing a giant Takut by Most Venerable Luang Phor Happ.

takut belt
Some big Takut are worn as belts.

See the Takut amulets avalaible on our online shop.

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